Pure Class A shootout

Hi after doing a lot of research and listening, I think pure class A is still the way to go for me. I'm wondering if you have any opinions on the following amps and how they compare with each other:

1) Gryphon Colliseum (mono or stereo)
2) Gryphon Antileon Signature (mono or stereo)
3) Pass XA 160.5 or XA 200.5
4) Krell Evo 2

They will be powering Rockport Altair's or maybe Rockport Arrakis (still debating that one too).

I see a few dilemmas. For Krell, it seems like the spirit behind their products Dan D'Agostino is no longer with the firm and thus maybe their brand/lineup in the future may be compromised. Also, Krell's preamp reputation is not as good as their amplification. That's similar to Pass as well - great reputation on the amps but not as reputable on the pre-amps. Don't get offended as I'm only talking relative terms (i.e comparing products at very very lofty levels). For Gryphon, their amp and preamps are supposedly top notch, but right now the Euro is extremely strong vs the US$ and I'm thinking I should be picking up something American as it's more of a bargain. Gryphon + Rockport is a "formula" and I know I can't go wrong with it but I'm wondering if there are other options.

So I guess the question is:
1) Have anyone ever compared the best Pure Class A amps? How do they compare with one another? Yes I know they are all good at this level but unfortunately I have only listened to the Gryphons mated with Rockports.
2) Any other options that I should consider? No tubes please as I have no desire to mess with tubes.
3) Should I even compare/consider the older pure class A amps like the ML 33/33H? i.e are the new pure Class A leaps and bounds better than the older reference lines?

Thanks, -Isaac
Classicjazz -

Yeah I've also read the same comments on the Gryphon older amps, but I heard their newer stuff (even inluding Antileon Signature amps) is a different breed. I listened to the Mirage/Colosseum mated with Rockports and it was fantastic. The Colosseum was everything the Antileon Signature was, except the soundstage grew bigger, taller, and deeper (forward/backward). Maybe just slightly fuller too in size of the image. All in all, very very close.

Good feedback on the Lamms. There are no dealers where I live unfortunately.
There is a reason why Class A is favored by top producers of amps, preamps, and DACs. It need not matter whether one speaks of transistors or tubes. It is not to waste electricity or to create monoblocks that need to be shipped by freight instead of a routine carrier. You can read the reasoning behind class A on a technical level at manufacturers web sites. To my ears, class A has a very dynamic, energetic, palpable, and 3-dimensional sound. There may be some good A/B equipment which is quite enjoyable, but class A is the real deal and not hype. I had an amp with a A and a A/B switch, and it was akin to going from mono to stereo.

My opinion is to narrow your choices down to 2 contenders, demo each in your own system, and enjoy. If you have not bought your Rockports, get your dealer to help you or at least work with you to clinch the sale. I would think your dealer would be interested in this question as well.
Class A amps do offer lower distortion.But that does not mean they sound better.The distortion levels on A/B amps when well designed are also extremely low.
I agree that Class A amps do tend to image well.But good A/B amps do so too.

My experience with Class A amps are the opposite to those of Rtn1.I have found they lack vibrancy.
I am not talking about Class A tube amps-they are great.
I am not saying they are bad,but rather they offer no real benefits over the more efficient and better value A/B amps.
You are better off spending the money on other components.
They are about marketing and perceptions not performance.
I agree with Rtn1. Try an audition amps with the Rockports. Your perception based on lived experience will help you navigate your purchase decision process. In addition, there is something to be said for the cognitive knowledge of the technology used, if you are convinced that it matters. The perception of what will make one satisfied is personal - Class A or not, tube or not, you set the value for the criterion in question. In the jewelry business with precious stones, people talk of mind clean vs. eye clean. Some wish to purchase flawless or near flawless gems because they know they are so, even if they cannot see the imperfections of other stones with a 10X loupe.
considering the prices paid for krell; i have to say that they are not worth the price.there are better sounding amps out there at more affordable prices both class a and other.