Hegel Amplifiers

Tried asking this on various forums, but did not get enough information. If anyone visited the recent audio fests and have listened to Hegel amps - especially the H20 - please describe how you found the sound of the Hegel amps. Any comparison? This is one amp I have shortlisted besides the Parasound A21. Also considering Classe 2200. Did not hear any particular one.
Any feedback is appreciated.
With Hegel, it's important to be mindful of the use of dialectic wires. My suggestion is the thesis/antithesis models.
Several years ago,I owned the H4A.It was an outstanding amplifier,Sonically it was the equal of any solid state amp that I had tried up to that time.Excellent tight/deep bass,sweet/extended highs and limitless power.It was too deep for my Millenium rack or I would still have it today.It ran cool as well.
Can you describe more on the "use of dialectic wires" please?

What amplifiers had you compared the Hegel when you had it? What amps do you currently have in your system?

Thanks for the feedback. Would like to know more on these amps.
I currently use a Muse 160 mk.II in a solid state 2 channel system(I have several systems in the home).At that time I had an Aragon 8008BB,a Hafler 9505 and a Plinius SA 100 mk.III along with several tube amps.All the amps sounded great(but different).I kept the Plinius in the system due to its shallower depth.When I aquired the Muse,I preferred it to the Plinius(in some ways) and its size works as well.