Hegel Amplifiers

Tried asking this on various forums, but did not get enough information. If anyone visited the recent audio fests and have listened to Hegel amps - especially the H20 - please describe how you found the sound of the Hegel amps. Any comparison? This is one amp I have shortlisted besides the Parasound A21. Also considering Classe 2200. Did not hear any particular one.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Danwkw, good to know that at least 1 more person on this forum owns a Hegel. According to Hegel, the H20 is based on their H10 anniversary model and is the best amplifier from Hegel. There is not a single Hegel dealer near me where I can go and audition it. My system is neither bright or analytical. I am assuming that you have sold off the Hegel.
Either H2A or H20. Very much depend on what speakers you will mate with Hegel. To give you some ideas: H10 can drive KEF Reference 207/2 at ease in a room of W18 x L25 x H11. H2A is good enough for KEF Ref 205/2. Also tend to think a better source(digital or analogue) won't be a bad idea...

The new amp (whichever I get) will be used to drive my Quad 21L speakers. Please note that I am really not targeting high power. I want more "headroom" as they say. Should make the speakers sing with "ease" at low levels without affecting the music in a negative way. I mentioned in another thread about how I could easily make a difference in a pair of Silver i being driven by NAD VS Krell. There was a sense of "ease" when the PSBs were driven by Krell monoblocks.
And eventually down the years, I may upgrade my speakers. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. Not because of budget issue, but more so because I am very happy with my Quads.
To drive your Quad 21L, it is believed Hegel H2A(200W x 2 @8 ohms/350W x 2 @4 ohms) can get the job at ease(get your Quad well under control). H10/H20 would be too powerful in your existing system. To begin with, try not to connect any AC filter for your power amps, my 2 cents;)

Good luck
I understand from the Hegel site that the H20 is also 200W/channel. The H10 is 300W/channel and is a special edition.