Matching SS amp with Rogue Magnum 99 & Tyler LSS?

I am trying to replace/upgrade my Linn AV5105 (100WPC/8ohm, 200WPC/4ohm, Input impedance 4700 ohm). Could you recommend a SS amp that would work well with Rogue Magnum and Tyler Linbrook Signuture System which has 250+WPC/4ohm and 10000+ ohm input impedance?
My budget is $1000~1500 and I am looking for a used one in good working order.
DNA-225 seems to be a nice choice.
I am considering several amps now, including DNA-1 dlx and Van Alstine Omega III 440hc. Anybody has an experience with those amps with Rogue?
I have a Rogue Magnum 99 (modded by Rogue), Tyler Acoustics LSS, one-piece, and the amp I use is Musical Fidelity A308CR. The amp never runs out of steam, never went into protection mode and the bass I get in my room is amazing. For me it's a great match. They are in your price range used.
Thanks for the info.
I've decided to go for BAT VK-200. I seriously thought about DNA 225, but it is a little bit over my budget. VK-200 is a bit shy of power I expected (200 vs 250 WPC/4 ohm), but many users seem to believe it is more powerful than most other 200WPC/4ohm amps.