Refurbish a classic amp or replace it?

I have a Mark Levinson ML3 amplifier that is over 20 years old. It sounds great in my system and I am considering whether to have it refurbished/upgraded. I spoke to one place that only does service and upgrades and was told not to do it and that I should sell the ML3 and use the money (plus a lot more)to buy a new amp instead. If I buy a new amp, it would probably be a Pass Labs. I would like to hear from other members who have had similar experiences. Also, I would appreciate recommendations for where to have the ML3 refurbished/upgraded if I decide to go that route. Thanks
If it sounds great,why mess with it? Enjoy it while you save for a new amp.Just my opinion.
I once had an ML3 for a short time, I found it exceptional in the bass but not good in highs. I would try to borrow another amp to hear in your system to see how it compared to the ML3. If you like the way it sounds now leave it alone. See the current post by the Mac 225 owner who had it upgraded and didn't like the results, you can be sure it will sound different after it is worked on. I would sell it and get a new amp but I didn't like the ML3 and you do. The Pass will sound quite different, why do you think it would be a good match for your system?