Ayre KX-R or Krell 202 with Martin Logans

Looking at adding 1 of these 2 preamps with my ML's. If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know. thanks
Before we make any suggestions, you may want to tell us the rest of your system, including brands/models of source, current preamplifier, amplifier(s), and speakers. . . what genres of music you enjoy listening, what sound your system is producing, and in what direction you would like the sound to change from here. . . I have certain definite preferences in pres within the KX-R pricepoint, but they may or may not match the sound you are looking for.

Best, Guido
I have a krell amp. Currently using a Meridian 861 as a preamp. My digital front end is either a puccini or playback designs havent decided yet. I listen to all genre's of music.
Yet, you must have a sonic goal. . . KX-R is a revealing balanced design with a sound that is somewhat forward and a little too trebly for my prefs. I prefer very controlled sound with strong harmonic development and without traces of intermodulation on sostenuto multipart treble and complex transients. I heard KX-R twice in a row at RMAF in the AYRE suite, and can't claim it is my cup of Tea. Of course, the effect may have been of the whole system. G.
i do not understand the question. if you have a krell amp and are happy with it, it is a no brainer, 202 with cast interconectors. now if you are considering an amp change different story.