Krell or Plinius?

Hello everyone!
Im building my system and looking for an integrated amp. I think ill stick with used equipment due to financial reasons. I would like U to advice me which way to go? Krell KAV-400xi or Plinius 9200? My speakers are Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. I need a versatile system to play any kind of music. Which of those two would U recommend and why?

I had the old Plinius US rep modify it with new tranistors
for short money and I beleive it sounds better Than the 9200
This is just an opinion based on what I read, so take it for what it's worth.

I believe the Krell amps have the reputation of being more forward, some might say a little bright while Plinius amps are considered more laid back or forgiving. If I've got that wrong please let me know.

So you should consider what kind of a nudge your system needs. If you think that it's a little bright the Plinius might work better. If you think it's a little dull maybe the Krell.

Of course the only way to know for sure is to buy one of these amps and listen to it in your system for a while. Unfortunate but true.
I had a plinius 8200 and it was by far the best integrated I ever owned. I imagine the 9200 would work very well with your speaks.
Krell will give you better grip on bass but with a good speaker can sound a bit metallic or "etched" in mids.On other hand Plinius has very "tubey" SS sound that might or might not side by side be your cup of Tea.Depends on your other gear,wiring,and your tastes.I sold Krell way back but would probably go with the Plinius myself.On some very forgiving speakers or ones that aren't as much in need of tubes like the B&W's as they were inherently "warm" I slung with the Krell it worked Krell was fine.