Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?

Given a choice to drive a pair of Magnepan 3.6's in a large room, which amp would you choose (assuming the use of a tube preamp):

ParaSound JC-1 monoblocks

ParaSound A-21 stereo

Krell 250a
With no direspect to you, Stickmen451, I won't to drive my 3.6's with the amps you asked about. I would recommend you audition a Pass Labs X-350.5, or if you can swing it in your budget a pair of Pass Labs XA-60.5's. I drive my 20's with a pair of 60.5's, the best the Maggies have ever sounded. I have heard the JC-1's with both 3.6's and 20's and found them OK, but no were as good as either the 350.5 or 60.5's. I never have been a Krell fan historically, they just don't float my sonic boat.

I also would recommend you take a look at a pair of Myesound stands for the 3.6's, they will effect the performance as much as what amp you use with them.

Have read about the Pass Labs X-350.5; looks very good but perhaps out of the immediate price range...
For a while, I used a KAV-250A with 1.6QR and thought it was a killer combo in a large dining/living room combo that was 24 x 28. Listening in nearfield, the Krell could drive the 1.6 to very loud levels with trememdous bass, a wide, tall, and very deep soundstage and plenty of detail without hardness. I liked it much better than the A21. I have not heard the JC-1 monos. I imagine it will power the 3.6 well too.