Best 3 tube preamps under $18000?

I will be pleased to know your opinion, about which can be the 3 best tube preamplifiers, with a price, NEW, under $18.000. I want to use them with SS amplifiers.
Every amp mentioned here is worth auditioning, as is the Joule LA300, and if you don't have money burning quite as big a hole in your pocker, the Joule LA150 MKII SE. Not sure it has been mentioned yet, but no preamp survey is complete without listening to some of the CAT preamps.
Ooops, I should have mentioned the Joule LA 300 (and the brand new fully balanced Joule 450, which I heard @ RMAF this year and was formidable to say the least). I for one have never been impressed w the CATs. YMMV.
Not sure what SS amp you have in mind but you might want to try a Cary SLP05. Pretty flexible & you can add the phono stage for less than $18000.
I love my BAT Rex with Pass Labs XA.5 amps. Very quiet, dynamic, and it adds just the right touch to the midrange.

In considering balanced pre-amps with a remote, the only others that have my curiosity include the Joule LA450 and the VAC Sig IIa.