Best 3 tube preamps under $18000?

I will be pleased to know your opinion, about which can be the 3 best tube preamplifiers, with a price, NEW, under $18.000. I want to use them with SS amplifiers.
I love my BAT Rex with Pass Labs XA.5 amps. Very quiet, dynamic, and it adds just the right touch to the midrange.

In considering balanced pre-amps with a remote, the only others that have my curiosity include the Joule LA450 and the VAC Sig IIa.
I know it is not tubed, but a worthy of consideration. Steve McCormack VRE-1 Preamp.
The BAT Rex is pretty special! The most natural mid-range I've heard to date. Hope you find what you like.

VAS II, about $5000. Classic design, top of the line materials. Yes, it cannot beat the ARC unit, but hey, it sounds great and is a super value.