Best 3 tube preamps under $18000?

I will be pleased to know your opinion, about which can be the 3 best tube preamplifiers, with a price, NEW, under $18.000. I want to use them with SS amplifiers.
Unfortunately I haven`t had a luck to hear it myself. It just seems to me that many reputable reviewers and other people who have a significant experience with upper class gear are extremely enthusiastic about Concert Fidelity. It also seems that CF gear is not very tubey sounding in it`s classical meaning but is more targeted to open and realistic presentation. So if you are looking to add some some tube warmth and bloom it might not be your first choice.
I´m sure that some members here have had a luxury to hear it so their options will be most valuable.
i will simply echo earlier comments on einstein tube preamp. it does wonderful things with dynamics + harmonics, the sort seldom found in either tube or SS topology, and should be included in any subjective discussion of 'best'.

So many wonderful choices! I believe whatever option you exercise, considering the responses in this thread, will deliver great sonic satisfaction...BAT conveys the experience for me :-)

Hi Emigene. I have not heard the Marriane 300 version, though I think HP just gave it a rave review - for what that is worth. It might be somewhat system dependent, as one would expect, but with Merlin speakers, I like the performance of the Joule very much. Since you have tried the Bent, I would say you have given passives their best shot, and they are not for everyone.