Can you ever have too powerful amp for speakers?

Can you ever have "too powerful amp for speakers"?
Suppose you have a 300 watt per channel amp driving speakers that only demand, say 80-100 watts a channel or have high enough sensitivity, or a regular 8 ohm load, will some massive Audio Research or Krell amp, even if it is far in excess of what the speaker needs, it should be fine, right? You just never end up turning your preamp volume pot up very loud...or is it better to have an amp that you can peg the preamp much higher say 12 noon or 2 o clock?
Well,i had Odyssey(150w/ch) Stratos Extreme monos(which i soon sold)on a pair of paradigm Studio 60 and was going to upgrade at some point and got a good deal on a Bryston 14bsst(600w/ch).I was using a Anthem D1 pre/pro at the time and when i turned up the volume to the Odyssey levels,the Bryston was so much cleaner and clearer that the woofer in the studio 60's farted and at that point i new i had to sell them or i would have destryed them.I purchased a pair of PMC IB1's soon after.Toooo much CLEAN power is addictive and may push you on the upgrade path.
Diminishing returns perhaps in terms of value for some (that never stopped a true audiophile with deep pockets before however), but recent more cost effective Class D amps which are also highly efficient and deliver top notch sound kind of changes the parameters here as well.
The only downside IMO is some very high powered tube amps may be noisy with ultra efficient speakers.

Feil has a good point!

"Some of the big monsters are not light on there feet. They only do big well."

I know of one discerning person who is using a 500w/ch Class D icepower amp with 109 db efficient horn speakers. Overkill perhaps but that person has reported top notch results and a hesitancy to change.