Sumptuous, lush, rich, liquid golden midrange amp?

I am looking to approximate the sound of the Jadis 88Sig in a tube amp less than $5K used, to mate with an Aesthetix Calypso, VPI TNT jnr, Wright WWP 200 phono preamp, Marantz SA 11 S1/APL Denon 3910 (tubed) and Tyler D10 speakers, 8 ohms, 91 db sensitivity. Neutrality, accuracy be damned - just lush wide soundstage, musical as it gets. Any??????I expect flames, but also some gems:)

Thor PA 30 mono's. With their stock tubes they are a luscious set of amps... though I heard them with the Thor TA 1000 preamp too. 30 watts of wonderful. I listened at normal levels in a mid sized room on VR4 JRs.

All your accolades apply to these little donuts.

I'd like to find the same thing in some 60-80wpc or hogher amps.

Good luck
That is a brilliant suggestion! never thought of Thor. Wonder how different the MkI is from the Mk II, which is reviewed. You would like more watts because you have low sensitivity speakers, Blindjim? Paul Marks recommends at least 89 db.
My Jadis Defy 7 has just what you are asking for. Maybe it is their signature sound?