Edge NL 10.1 update

I have an Edge 10.1 amplifier. I am considering updating to the NL 10.2. Does anyone out there have any experience with this update? Is it worth the money for an already great amp?
Bob and Srwooten, you are both correct about modern Edge amps shutting of the output as soon as the power switch is turned off-- perhaps these have a speaker-wire relay which disengages.

Srwooten, the power-LED may indeed discharge the power supply, but on our current NL-amp, if we do not wait at least 20 seconds (while still playing music) before turning it back on, OMG what a thump occurs into the speakers! So we wait... probably a good idea for any amp even if one hears the speakers go off instantly.

Bob, I don't know much about our amp other than it was a custom unit (in one chassis) made for us by Tom at Edge before he sold the company. I do know it's 350W/channel into 8 Ohms, and rather heavy.

Best regards,
Roy...Made the mistake of switching the amp back on too quickly. What a thump indeed!! Bob
should have done this long ago. After talking with Steven Norber, formerly of Edge, I did have him upgrade my amp to the 10.2 version. Amazing improvement..much cleaner, quieter, better ambience and decay, stronger in mid-bass,much easier to listen to for long sessions...one of the best upgrades I have eve done. Mated to my new Consensus Passion speakers and I am closer to real music than ever before...