Pass amps + Power Cords ??

Anyone find nice synergies btwn their Pass amps and particular power cords? Anything to avoid ?

I have and x150.5 paird up with a PS Audio Statment SC. It's OK.
I've had very good sound with Cardas, Platinum power, and various BMI power cords on my Pass X150.5, Aleph 2s, Aleph 60s, Aleph 30, and Aleph 3.
I disagree on the X350.5. If this amp has no negative feedback like the original X350, I prefer the X150.5 or X250.5. They just sound better with some negative feedback. The bass is stronger, in my opinion.
I know there are purists who disagree with me based on a philosophy. I go by what I hear.
anything to avoid
yes, you avoid the clowns who try to tell you that cabling has no effect on sonic signature. Obviously never tried it.
I can respect that, too, Bob. Thank you. Many years ago...I upgraded speaker/interconects at the neglect of power cables. My advice to any newbie in this hobby would be to START with the power cables...they really CAN make an impact.
Consider Elrod, Silent Source, Stealth, and Synergistic Research.

Check with the Cable Co for recs and some trial cables.

Good luck, have fun.
Uhrn, while I invite all and sundry to avoid jibing "ad hominem", it is equally true -- at least in my limited fiddling experience -- that with one notable exception, power cords have had an influence on the sound
of my electronic components in one audible form or an other.

The problem really starts when we ask what PC may be 'better', as there are so many different incarnations of 'better' among us sufferers of audiophrenia. GI am personally in the 'middle' school of thought, also called the Goldielocks principle I believe. . . call it golden neutrality perhaps?

On my Rowland Model 312 and Esoteric X-01 Limited, I have achieved most desirable Goldielockian results with Furutech Evolution II and Furutech High Performance wires for the more moderately priced wires, and with Shunyata King Cobra (new series that is) for the higher tier PCs.

There is a reasonable chance that Pass gear being also somewhat Goldielockian in its sonic attributes, it might synergize with the same wires. G.

PS. The single component which has this far seemed to be immune to my PC fiddlings has been the JRDG Criterion linestage.