Pass amps + Power Cords ??

Anyone find nice synergies btwn their Pass amps and particular power cords? Anything to avoid ?

I have and x150.5 paird up with a PS Audio Statment SC. It's OK.
Thanks so much, fellas. FYI, I would never plug PASS anything into a line, I dig the idea of PS Audio's ferrite jacket. At least I feel like I get some lowering of the noisefloor and I'm positive I get better bass response in my room.
In general, I agree with Audiofeil's post.

On my Pass XA-60.5 amps, I heard some differences among power cables ranging in price from $10 to $1500 (used). However, the differences were extremely small to my ears. In many systems, including mine, the money allotted for expensive power cords will reap larger benefits elsewhere in the signal chain.

I ended up using Oyaide Tunami GPX power cords on my Pass amps. The Tunmani GPX are available for under $300/ea.
Thank you Kurt_tank, in this particular case, the Goldilockian principle is not applied to price, which can be easily found on the Cable Company's fine web site, except for the Furutech High End Performance wires, which being custom wires assembled from bulk material, require a call to Scott Markwell of Elite Audio Imports. Rather, I am referring to the sonic character of the wires at hand, which I deem to be middle of the road, hence Goldielockian in nature, or in other words 'neutrally romantic'.

As for the specific cost/benefit ratio of these wires as they may apply to Pass gear, I defer to AudioFail, who as a Pass dealer has inherently more knowledge on these devices than my own conjecturing self. G.
Like others in this thread, I found changing power cords did not have much of an impact on my Pass amp (X250.5). I'd spend he money on running dedicated lines if you haven't already.

- Gravy