Pass amps + Power Cords ??

Anyone find nice synergies btwn their Pass amps and particular power cords? Anything to avoid ?

I have and x150.5 paird up with a PS Audio Statment SC. It's OK.
After alot of experimenting with PCs, I concluded that I simply can't tell the difference - now all of them were well made with good connectors and shielding. Given that, and the fact that my equipment is a little pricey I've decided that resoabably price PCs from VH Audio or Signal cable are about as good as any power can possibly be. I am an audio neurotic, like most here, but this one area where I think spending more money is just spending more money.
I had a power cord competition last night and the wrong cable won. I took on loan some PS Audio cables from a dealer, the AC10 and a AC5. They took up residence where my DIY Furutech's and Oyanide Acrolinks were. The first competition I had placed the PS Audio's dead last. That was a relief as I rather liked my DIYers since I use to grade cable and connectors. But knowing the cables were new I had to admit that it wasn't even close to a fair test so I let the PS's sit in the system and cook for a week.

So last night with 4 sets of good ears I played swap the cables, generally between amp and wall but a few hits at the Power Plant Premier.

The judges were not aware what I was plugging in at any point. I did not tell them what was being used when they gave a thumbs up or down. One thing was clear after I practically wore out my Furutech wall receptacle not to mention the power button on the amp.

The winner is?

PS Audio AC10. What was noted was "realness", "3D image" and dynamics. 2 people I would consider audiophile, 1 was not which I thought was a good thing. I did not include myself although I am biased towards my own DIY but had to admit the PS Audio clearly outperformed my own.

The loser? Me cause it's a cable I don't own and $600 more dollars out of my dwindled account.
Desalvo55, kudos to you for conducting an audition which attempted to make the process as neutral as possible. IMO, you did about as much to guarantee the neutrality as can be reasonably expected.
The person who was "neutral" as in, not an audio geek questioned the difference in power cables. "How can that be?". "Why were they so different in sound".

Anyone care to answer that?

There's a loaded question..