New amp being touted as among the best ever......

....possibly hyperbole but Hi-Fi News in the UK raving about the Diavlet D-Premier amplifer.

Apparently it has patented a new hybrid of Class A and Class D technology. It sounds very interesting, looks unique and would appear to be a must hear for those who are interested in high quality servers where apparently it excels-although I'd be interested to hear what it can do with any source.

Pretty expensive I believe at £12000 or approx $18000.

It looks very interesting and it's not every review you read where you really want to hear the thing.....

Here's their website, quite a lot of info on there if you browse about.
Perhaps the cost is a function of their office being located on Place Vendôme in Paris. Kind of expensive real estate for an audio company, no? There may be higher rent areas of Paris, but not many.
It can be wall mounted. Smart, as this will keep guest from standing on it. It would be wise not to use this in your bathroom system.

Anyone hear it and how much $$$?
Audiogon at its best :-)

5 comments on its looks and a question that was answered in the OP.
Being frank, the comment that "apparently it has patented a new hybrid of Class A and Class D technology" may be true, but it immediately reminded me of the claims of the DK Design integrated amplifier when it was released to rave reviews, and it had "Super Class A" or whatever they called it. Turned out the power claim was total nonsense.

Anyway, this new amp may be exactly what the manufacturer and reviewer claims, but it does look like a bathroom scale, and claims of latest and greatest in audio are as worn as an old Persian carpet.
Another company claims their latest product is . Why would anyone take this marketing crap seriously without hearing it?