New amp being touted as among the best ever......

....possibly hyperbole but Hi-Fi News in the UK raving about the Diavlet D-Premier amplifer.

Apparently it has patented a new hybrid of Class A and Class D technology. It sounds very interesting, looks unique and would appear to be a must hear for those who are interested in high quality servers where apparently it excels-although I'd be interested to hear what it can do with any source.

Pretty expensive I believe at £12000 or approx $18000.

It looks very interesting and it's not every review you read where you really want to hear the thing.....

Here's their website, quite a lot of info on there if you browse about.
I guess what you really wanted was a thank you and a hug.

Thank you, Ben_Campbell.
Ben, I took what you said as a heads up, but it does look like a bathroom scale. If I get a chance I will give it a listen. What do you mean that it excels with servers?
Ben, no offense but its unlikely that your reviewer has heard all of what might be termed the very best. For example, I know he's not heard one of these:
I don't have the full review handy.

Doubtless it will be reviewed in the States so until then I wish you all all the best with your aesthetically beautiful looking amps and speakers..........


the review is posted on the absolutesounds dot com site. My curiosity was also piqued reading the review, and I would also like to hear this amplifier.

Paul Miller is not given to hyperbole, but we will find out over time if this becomes a classic or another has been.
