New amp being touted as among the best ever......

....possibly hyperbole but Hi-Fi News in the UK raving about the Diavlet D-Premier amplifer.

Apparently it has patented a new hybrid of Class A and Class D technology. It sounds very interesting, looks unique and would appear to be a must hear for those who are interested in high quality servers where apparently it excels-although I'd be interested to hear what it can do with any source.

Pretty expensive I believe at £12000 or approx $18000.

It looks very interesting and it's not every review you read where you really want to hear the thing.....

Here's their website, quite a lot of info on there if you browse about.
Mapman, the NAD digital amp seems peculiar, in that unlike most ss, switching, or digital amps, and more like most tube amps, it doesn't appear as though it "doubles down".

YEs that is unusual for Class D amps but not so much for integrateds, and is something I might be wary of for my main rig.

Come to think of it, I am not aware of any Class D integrated, digital or not, that "doubles down".

I know its a challenge to use massive power supplies in an integrated but I would think Class D amps might make it more viable, unless perhaps RF interference is an issue as well as EM perhaps?

I suppose you could have a digital pre-amp with a digital out to digital in on a separate CLass D amp. Not sure I know of such a product currently though.
Give it about a week, maybe a month.
Things will come full circle and some well made, class AB amp will be at the top, again.
How many brass rings are on this merry-go-round?
I really believe digital amps will be a game changer within a few years max.