Tube or Solid State

My question is, to power a pair of Usher Dancer CP-8517 would you go with the McIntosh MC402 SS Amp, or the MC2102 tube amp?

I grew up admiring the idea of owning my own tube system. But I'm worried that the tube amp wont give me enough sound for what I'm used to. I'm used to playing my music loud and although I understand it isn't an ideal format, all of my library is digital.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Based on the limited information about the OP that we are working with so far, I'd say the SS will be the safer choice with the greater chance of fully satisfying and delivering optimal performance.

The tube amp may be a good choice as well, but can't say for sure without more info as requested early on, so it seems riskier at this point to me.
Any chance you can hear the 2 amps with the speakers before purchase;I have usher rw 729's driven with roland model 6 monoblocks and audiovalve challanger 180 mono's both do a excellant job;but I do prefer the sound of the tubes over the rolands only because female vocals and midrange seem to me to be more natural than my solid state however it is still very close.
(just curious) 95 dB ave with 105dB peaks.. That is LOUD!
Are you talking sound pressure levels at the listening position? Jeeez you must be nearly deaf by now?
I am 60, Right now, I am listening to music with an average (Rat Shak meter) at 62dB at my chair. The loudest I play is 80dB ave. I suppose for gut thumping bowel churning sound 95dB with 105dB peaks is just about right... but I PROMISE you, you will need hearing aids just to hear a conversation.. within ten years.