Comparing ARC, Lamm and Modwright Preamps

Hi folks,

I'm looking for a preamp in the ~$2k range, and models I'm considering are the ARC (LS16 or LS25), Lamm LL2 Dexlue, and Modwright SWL 9.0SE Signature Edition. From what I understand, these manufacturers have a sonic signature that is closer to neutral (which is what I'm generally looking for), rather than being syrupy.

My tastes are largely rock music (let's say Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, etc.). Would anyone be able to describe the sonic signature of these three brands in a little more detail?
Don't the Lamm's controls, which maximize inconvenience, place it in a different category?
I'm Assuming Rrolack is interested in sound characteristics between the three preamps. I can only give my experience with the Lamm & ARC.

I believe the Lamm gear is a more minimalist approach. The LL2 Deluxe version includes higher end capacitors. This could be the difference im hearing between the preamps

ARC chooses to include more comfort features like a remote digital readouts maybe more switching flexibility.

Each company decided to spend money in a completely opposite direction at the same price point

I piggy back a Manley Steelhead for the phono stage with the Lamm so I do gain more flexibility but at a cost.

Best way to decide is to go listen and touch each one. use the controls. You almost instinctively know which one is best suited for your needs and wants

I have a Modwright 9.0 SE Signature Truth (all the latest mods). It's very good with Rock. Just a pinch warm, good detail, speed, tone, soundstaging, etc. Quite "ballsy", IMHO.
If it's any consideration (regarding the sonic signature), I'd be pairing this tube pre with an SS amp.