Primare I30 and B&W 803D, enough power??

I am putting together a new system, going with a set of 803Ds bought from another audiogoner, and I am now looking into a integrated amp or separates, looking to spend around 1500-2000. I am reading very good reviews of the I30, but, on the other hand, many people mention that the 800 series are "power hungry" and many suggest 400 watt monoblocks for them....despite having a 90db sensitivity. Will I be fine with 100 watts (180 @ 4 ohms) for them? I am not looking to get ear bleeding levels, I dont crank it up since I live on an apartment and listening room is only 20 m2. My other idea is to go with some rotel power amps (1080 or 1090) but I think that the Primare will be in another league, sonically speaking.
Thanks in advance
Hi Demianm,

You will be fine with those power ratings for the 803D's. One of the advantages of having bigger amps is that the dynamic range tends to be greater but that is applicable to all bigger amps and speaker combinations. You will be able to drive the B&W's with no problem. The question is if you will be happy with the combination at the volume levels you that sattisfy you. Most people have never heard a 10 watt driving a 90db speaker just to see if it can. I can assure you that I have experimented with many combinations and yes a 10 watt tube amp can drive a 87db speaker with a 3 ohm rating. Does it sound like crap, well sometimes, depends on how loud, at lower volume seems okay. The difference is in the dynamic range as I mentioned above with the bigger amps.

The story about power and speakers is the same to me as Muscle and Fitness magazines, every six months there is a new way to increase bench weight or bicep size, but after a years worth of the magazine, you realize that it is the same stuff, just presented in a different manner. You will too hear many opinions about what is the absolute best way in terms of power, only you can decide what will work for in regards to volume and musical satisfaction with those speakers. If you could do an inhouse or in store demo, ask to plug in the smallest flea watt amp available to satisfy your own curiosity. Trust me, you will be amazed.

Based on what you state about volume levels, you should be fine.
Rotel is good, but the "dual mono" Primare I30 is in another league, and will not have a problem driving the B&W 803D's in your apartment.. Low to mid level listening will be much better with the Primare I30. 400 watt mono blocks are not necessary for B&W 803D's in your apartment. In your apartment, my choice would be something solid state with very large power supply, and is class A with 100 watts per side... low to mid level listening does not get any better with this type of amp...IMO, anyway.
I would suggest addition of another amp for bass drivers, i.e. trying bi-amping. Natural choice in this context should be the Primare A33.2 (120Wpc).

Having pretty extensive experience with B&W (not exactly 803D, but smaller 803S - used to own them for 3 years), I have not impression that I30's current capability is sufficient for always power hungry B&W. My former pair of 803S sounded properly with Rotel RB-1090 or Parasound A-21, much bigger amps than I30.