Amplifier progression and change

I have Harbeth SHL-5s with vintage Accuphase P-300/C-200 amps. It's a nice combination, but I'm thinking of updating the amplifier with a smaller newer integrated, but is it that easy? My question is this: will new amps from companies such as Blue Circle, Plinius, Luxman, LFD, Accuphase, etc. clearly blow away 35 year old Accuphase separates? Have enough advances been made that a new $2000 - $4000 integrated can best an old amp that was built nearly with a cost-no-object standard? Whether solid state or tube, what would one have to spend to get an amp that is head and shoulders above the P-300/C-200? Thanks!
I don't want to burst your bubble but I owned those Accuphase amps over 35 years ago. At that time they were made by Kenwood and sold at circuit city type chains. They were nice but not state of the art. With the speakers you now have you should invest in better electronics; there are many out there in your price range.
No bubbles to burst here. It will only help with my decisions. It's difficult to get out and audition amps out there, so research is my main source. Yours and any other input is very appreciated!

A few years ago I had a modest Unison Research Unico powering my Harbeth M30s (and before that my Spendor S3/5se). This made for some really sweet music without costing the earth.

After trying various ss separates I have reverted to an all tube integrated, the Graaf GM50, which drives my Verity's. This is by far the best integrated I have owned, and a keeper for me.

Anyway, there are lots of good choices for integrated amplifiers depending on your budget. You may wish to visit the Harbeth user group for suggestions (I think they also recommend Lavardin & Sudgen amps with Harbeths etc).

good luck!
Perhaps one of the recent line of Luxman integrated amps like the L505u would be worth looking into.
Don't get all hyped up on specs and newer is better;I would audition pieces(in home is best) that you are interested in,research and always let your ear decide for you.