Amplifier progression and change

I have Harbeth SHL-5s with vintage Accuphase P-300/C-200 amps. It's a nice combination, but I'm thinking of updating the amplifier with a smaller newer integrated, but is it that easy? My question is this: will new amps from companies such as Blue Circle, Plinius, Luxman, LFD, Accuphase, etc. clearly blow away 35 year old Accuphase separates? Have enough advances been made that a new $2000 - $4000 integrated can best an old amp that was built nearly with a cost-no-object standard? Whether solid state or tube, what would one have to spend to get an amp that is head and shoulders above the P-300/C-200? Thanks!
I agree, I think you would need 60 - 80 watts to drive those speakers with some margin for different rooms and listening levels. Maybe something like the MAC 2275 or a used VAC Avatar with KT88s. Some say the Cayins are good, but I have not heard them but briefly at a show, but at least on the outside, they "look" very solid and well made.
Bingo. In my first post I recommended a VAC Avatar Super. The standard Avatar is no more powerful than the Manley. There are other for sure but those Harbeths came alive for me with tubes, especially on the VAC.