Hi guys, a tube amp for my micro utopia be

I just bought a gryphon atilla for my micro be, but find it was a failure, wanna change to tubes.
Here's my list:
Jadis DA88sorDA60 if possible
Cary 300 sei can be run as well as my headphones,but dont know it will match micro be or not.
Cary aes six pacs plus ae-3 mk2, (heard great comments about it)
Mc 2775 or
anything else can be recommended. I'll be very appreciate
Cary sounds great with JM Lab/Focal....I've heard V12s, etc. on them many times and always a synergistic combination.

I would probably look for a used V12 vs the newer 120S btw.
Thx guys, coz my buget limits to $6000~
I also consider Mcintosh 2275 in the price range.
I know it's a risk to take cary 300B coz it only has 15W and in my price range, YBA would be another choice.
A little bit confused right now.
Hi Saviourwin, personaly, I think 15 watts is a bit lean to drive your Focals. There is a Vac Renaissance 70/70 on AG at the moment for about $4k which was a $16k amp and looks stunning. The Vac will give you plenty of power & wonderful tone. If you're looking for more speed and bandwidth to bring out the potential in your Focals, then look at Ayon's Class A amps which fit that bill (eg: Spirit 2). I would have put Vac's current line in the same category (ie: fast, detailed), but that's out of your price range. Overall, I would rate Vac or Ayon higher than Cary given your budget.

I see nobody is chiming in for the Mc, so here are my 2 cents: I drive 3-way 90 dB speakers (vs yours at 89) with McIntosh MC275 and love it. The 275 is essentially the same amp section of the 2275 you listed. The 275 drives the speakers very nicely and to my ears without strain. You can certainly get more with more power than 75 Wpc, but then 75 Wpc is certainly more than 15! BTW, the 275 is said to actually deliver 90 Wpc, but I couldn't show proof of that claim.

I hope this helps...some.