Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?

I have been a serious audiophile for 30 years and class "D" audio is new to me. Most important, what do they sound like?
I agree with Krell man. The Spectron more than likely is the best sounding switching amp on the planet!
They're awesome. I wasn't a believer until I heard them for myself (Bel Canto S300 & Wyred4Sound ST500). I always thought class D would sound very shrill/digital/thin, but that's not the case. They are very powerful, transparent, and smooth.
Krell _man and others, I want you to know that I appreciate your rapid response. I need something that runs cool in the bedroom for the summer.
I have a Spectron and it it sits inside a cabinet...and stays very cool. Previously had a Bryston...which I was told was a cooler running S/S and the Spectron is way cooler. As far as sound Spectron is the best I have had...but then again I have only had the two.
Orpheus10 - I have Rowland Model 102 based on the same Icepower modules as mentioned Bel Canto S300 (and M300). It is very smooth and transparent (nice liquid midrange) but also very revealing. With new speakers (Hyperion HPS-938) I can finally hear smooth natural sounding sibilants. Rowland makes very nice preamp - Capri in the same case, designed as a set.

Here is review of the set: