Van Alstine?

Any opinions on SS amps from past or present owners?
Kristian85 - I was wholely unimpressed with the linked article to The Audio Critic. The review on the DAC didn't even comment on how it sounded. Other articles in that issue show him to be a strict objectivist who judges a component's value based solely on measured performance and parts cost. To me, he is a Julian Hirsch wanna be. I wouldn't worry too much about what he has to say. I especially thought his criticizing Van Alstine for hand-wiring and hand-soldering his products was foolish. Some of the finest high end gear is assembled in this way, not to save money, but to insure that the production units will be the equal of the prototype.
Boy, you have *no idea* who you're criticizing, do you? Have you looked at David Rich's audio credentials (M.Sc., Ph.D. EE)? Are you really not familiar with The Audio Critic? Peter Aczel? Nothing? No bells?

If actual, objective proof of a component's terrible build quality isn't enough to sway a true believer, well, then, nothing will. That DAC was a Yugo being sold as a BMW. No need to drive it.

Let us know when you can distinguish between two different amplifiers that measure the same--or even differently. This has never been debunked:
Kristian, you're right, all my McIntosh, Wyred 4 Sound, and Pass amps sound exactly the same.

For someone so quick to criticize, you have to admit, that without listening one has at best 1/2 the story. The biggest blowhard on audio is the Amazing Randi, the "measurements are all crowd" seem pointed in the same direction. Pity he's right on many other things, like religious and psychic charlatans. He just doesn't listen.
Well, anytime you fellers want to prove it by conducting any type of a/b test, go right ahead. It's been done countless times before, all with the same result.

By the bye, noone ever said all amplifiers sound the same.

Note carefully: Not everything sounds the same, but whatever audible differences exist as shown by a/b, x/a/b, a/b/x, or another valid protocol testing are easily explained by measurements and design.

As it is none of you fellers can say anything about that fun Stereo Review test, can you? None of the golden ears who participated could reliably identify differences between the cheap receiver and the $12K Futtermans--and that was a high output Z tube amp....