Pass XA30.5 enough power for Wilson Sophia 2?

I was wondering about this combo. I have a very large room. Personally I dont think it's enough power but what do you guys think?
FWIW I'm driving a pair of Dynaudio Sapphires, a similiar but not exact technical match for Sophia, with this amp.

The room is not "large" but as others have posted, the amplifier has plenty of guts and should drive your Wilsons fine albeit not to paint peeling SPL.

I also drive the Sapphires with a pair of Bel Canto Ref1000M (1000WPC into 4 ohms) and at moderate SPL they provide no better bottom end control than the Pass XA30.5.


Dealer disclaimer
As Bill said, "the amplifier has plenty of guts and should drive your Wilsons fine albeit not to paint peeling SPL." That sounds right and good an answer as I think you can get without trying it in your room.
Expanding a bit on a point I mentioned earlier, the most important factor that determines how much power is required is the dynamic range of the music being listened to. Meaning the difference in volume between the loudest notes and the softest notes. Or perhaps more relevantly for some music, the difference in volume between the loudest notes and the average note.

It seems clear, based on several comments that have been made and on my calculations, that the amp should have no problem playing highly compressed, narrow dynamic range material, such as most rock recordings, at levels approaching 95db at the listening position. I doubt that any of us would want to listen that loud.

However, a symphonic work having wide dynamic range, if well recorded and minimally compressed, and if played with an average volume of say 70 to 75db, can be expected to at least occasionally have brief musical peaks that exceed the 100db maximum spl at the listening position that the amp/speaker combination is capable of.

Best regards,
-- Al
While the XA30.5 may convey a loud enough sound with your speakers, I would be apprehensive if you listen to complex music and if your room is large. Power and class A gives a sense of effortlessness, unrestrictedness, and control. Sure, the XA30.5 has some class AB headroom, but the amp is really about the class A portion up-front.

My opinion is the XA60.5 at a minimum, but the 100.5 or 160.5 may be even more appropriate. The Wilson/Pass combination is not uncommon, so you may call some dealers and check-out the systems page.