Pass XA30.5 enough power for Wilson Sophia 2?

I was wondering about this combo. I have a very large room. Personally I dont think it's enough power but what do you guys think?
i agree wtih Rtn1---the whole point of this amp is Class A 30 watts. the A/B headroom is pointless imo
Why is the A/B headroom pointless if it keeps you from clipping in this small moments where you need the headroom? 99% of the time you'll be using 2-4 watts (Class A), no?
Pubul57 raises a good question. The XA30.5 is specified to "leave Class A at 60 peak watts." I'm not sure how that should be interpreted, as to whether the 60W is peak, rather than the usual rms definition, and as to whether or not that number applies to a 4 ohm load.

But if we make a very worst case assumption that it leaves Class A at 30 watts into 4 ohms, that is 8db less than 195W. Which means per my previous calculations that the amp would be operating Class A up to an spl of 92db at the listening position, which is quite loud.

-- Al
With regards to your latest post, indeed 92dB is quite loud. The staff on the Pass meter indicates bias not power output. It does not move until the amp begins to leave Class A.

I've pushed the XA30.5/Sapphires, with demanding source material, to fairly loud SPL and the staff doesn't move. Now, in all fairness it would be easy to make that baby jump but it would be too loud (at least to these ears) for an extended period.

Been there, done that.
Nickt, at this point, do you think the XA30.5 will do it for you? What are you thinking based on the comments you have heard so far?