Tube Power Amp Recommendations around $2000

I recently ordered a pair of the new Zu Souls and am looking for recommendations for a tube power amplifier around $2000. I'm not wed to either new or used. In my digging on the 'gon in the past week, I have found and am curious about:

-Tube Audio Labs (probably the 300B)
-Jeff Korneff 45 based power amp
-Dynaco ST 70 (there is a local guy that restores them)
-Miniwatt N3 (I'd be curious to know if folks think this one stacks up against the others)
-Synthesis (mostly because there is a local dealer)
-Audion (hard to get a response from their distributor in the US)
-DIY Tube Audio

Any thoughts on these or any other suggestions?

Having previously owned a set of Druids, I do think that the choice of amplification is pretty critical. Right now, I'm running a PrimaLuna Prologue 3 and Wyred4Sound monoblocks that I will likely keep. When I had the Druids the Prologue 3 + 5 power amp combination felt like too much (in one sense at least)--the Prologue 5 putting out about 35 watts/channel. I think it felt like too much volume and not enough character, for lack of a better way to put it.

I'm a little torn. I like 'umph' but I also like a little finesse. I'm concerned that the gain on the Prologue 3 (which does not necessarily seem high) might have added to the dynamic. Since I'm going to keep the SS monoblocks ('umph'), my gut is to err on the side of finesse.

I have talked to the Zu guys this time around again, and am always struck by how much they really seem to groove on the synergy with the 300B, 2A3, and 45 tubes. That is more or less why I have mostly those amps in my shortlist.

I have thought a bit about going the integrated route--something along the lines of the Almarro. There are, of course, different dynamics at play if I have one set up that runs through the pre and another that does not, that is why my original thinking was the tube power amp route.
My suggestion would be to try a pair of Quicksilver Mini-Mites and save $1000 for other toys. Actually more - I have seen them selling new for under $900.
I would recommend the VTL ST-150 that is on Agon right now. A little beyond your price range, but not much.

Why 150 watts for a 97db speaker? This speaker seems to be able to take advantage of simpler, lower watt circuits, why complicated with high power circuits and additional tubes. Not questioning the VTL150 as an amp (Like the ARC VT130 mentioned before), but as an amp for this speaker.