Tube Power Amp Recommendations around $2000

I recently ordered a pair of the new Zu Souls and am looking for recommendations for a tube power amplifier around $2000. I'm not wed to either new or used. In my digging on the 'gon in the past week, I have found and am curious about:

-Tube Audio Labs (probably the 300B)
-Jeff Korneff 45 based power amp
-Dynaco ST 70 (there is a local guy that restores them)
-Miniwatt N3 (I'd be curious to know if folks think this one stacks up against the others)
-Synthesis (mostly because there is a local dealer)
-Audion (hard to get a response from their distributor in the US)
-DIY Tube Audio

Any thoughts on these or any other suggestions?

Primaluna Prologue-6 $1400.00 right here. Check the web for the reviews on this one.
The version III of the Atma-sphere S-30 amp is less than $2K used according to the Agon bluebook. More than enough amp for any 92+ dB speaker unless playing outdoors.
The new shortlist:

PrimaLuna Prologue 5 (I already have the 3 pre)
Triode A300 SE
Melody I2A3 (a little over my budget)
Tube Audio Lab 300B
Almarro 318A

Any Zu owners running any of these? Any other thoughts?

If you can find used George Wright Signature AU-15 or AU-30 amps, buy them. I'll lay heavy odds that you'll be very, very happy.
I would suggest the Melody i2a3, Astro Black 22 or their Melody 300B, Astro 8. The Astro Black 22 should have more than enough spunk with 2a3s running in Push-Pull. Their 300B, Austro 8 at 8 Watts is also interesting. Perhpas the Audion line as well. The Audion Sterling is a good amp that is less expenseive and EL 34 or 84 based (I forget) or their Silver Night 300B. Of the two the Astro Black 22 will have more reserves with perhaps a hair less warmth. 2A3s also have highs and lows that are better than the 300B and are cheaper. Another choice would be to go for the Minitorii of Decware. This unit allows you to roll tubes but has only 4 watts but is very clean. They also have a 6 Watt integrated that is good and coming out new in March. Their top of the line is a 25 Watt Push pull unit. Personally, I prefer the transparency of SET vs SEP amps. For ridiculously cheap Chinese amps you should look at Yarland. The 845 they have would probably come in at around 2000$. These are the ones I will be looking at myself in the future. Right now I am on the piggy bank plan