Spectron musician VS. Pass Labs Amp

Did anyone compare?
What was the pre you used with each?
....And what is your impression?
Terryakhan, interesting experience with Spectron and Focal speakers. My experience was different. Really tried to like the Spectron with my Focal 1027be speakers and it just didnt click. Even the dealer was mystified and blamed the speakers as having a loose and woolly bass. There was just no synergy with my system (pre's used were a Cary SLP03 and a Herron). I moved on with some regrets (I passed up a good deal on the Spectron).
(((My preamps are BAT 51SE and NAT Audio Symmetrical, both are tube pre,)))
((I know that my Spectrons are extremely superior to any other amps I have owned playing my speakers.))
All you proved is that you loaded down your tube preamps
into a 15K input imp causing them to play sluggish bass into the Pass further causing a distorted non desirable outcome
kind of like shooting the messenger.
Cheers Johnnyr
How do you know that my Pass X350.5 and X600.5 bass response were sluggish bass causing non desirable outcome ?
Because when you wrote
(( My preamps are BAT 51SE and NAT Audio Symmetrical, both are tube pre))
loading down a tube pre is going to hurt your perception to everything not only bass.
Cheers Johnnyr
Hello Audioconnection,

In principle, you are correct: tube preamp have relatively high output impedances and most ss amps have relatively low input impedances and matching such would result , again in principle, in some losses at top and bottom

Now to specific componenents in question: I believe that output impedance of BAT VK51SE is (much?)less then 1000 Ohms (VK does not like tube buffer). In such a case the ratio of input/output impedances would be at least 15:1 which is more then sufficient for good match as it would cut bandwidth by 5-6 percent only. Moreover, I presume PASS amp is wide bandwidth amplifier and then it would be simply inaudible.

I own Spectron, another ss amp, and I have tried many tube preamps with it including fantastic Rex by BAT. Today, I have Joule-Electra LA-300ME and its the match made in heaven.... WE can and may be should match the best tube preamps with best ss amps, I firmly believe

All The Best