Bryston 4Bsst2 or 7Bsst2 and Anthony Gallo 3.1

Hello All, new to this incredible forum but I am seeking some guidance. It has been recommended in this forum to use high current amps such as Spectron to partner these speakers. I have the option of acquiring either Bryston amplifiers but I wonder if they have sufficient current to really drive these speakers. Also, what would be a suitable SS preamp? Tube life is a factor since my system streams internet radio as well for at least 8 hours a day. Current system: Music server (windows XP)/Bryston DAC/NAD Silver Series S100/S200 and Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1. Thanks.
From James Tanner quoted from post in Audio Circle:
7B-SST2 current delivery: 60 amps peak 20 amps continuous.IF you get parallel mode (special order made from factory) then DOUBLE that or: 120 amps peak, 40 amps continuous.
IS that enough amperage?
I think your in the arc welder range with that one...
I'm always a more is more person, but with the Gallos, which I owned some years back, I don't think you need more than the 4Bsst2 to make them sing. And they will sing. I really liked those speakers.
Well, having owned (twice now) the Gallo Nucleus Reference (2 "balls", anodized aluminum from a solid aluminum 1 ft. cube block, i.e. ceramic/no energy storage) I'd like to hear how the newer iterations sound in comparison. Anyone? They do take some power but the large Quicksilver (KT-88) monos do nicely.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Upgrad itis?