Tube amp to match sensitive Living Voice Speakers

I've had sage advise before and a little more would be helpful. I am pleased with my system and the last prospective change is a new power amp.
My System: Modded Shanling CDT-100
Origin Live Resolution/Illustrious/Koetsu Rosewood Signature
Creek T43 tuner
Conrad Johnson Premier 17 Pre
Pass Labs Aleph 3 power
Living Voice Avatar speakers
Acoustic Zen cables
The Avatar's are highish sensitivity, 94db and were designed around tubes and Kevin the designer is strongly pro tubes. The Aleph 3 is wondeful and I will keep it, but, slightly sweet, a narrow soundstage and lacks a little grunt.
There are so many tube choices, more than solid state, Push pull/ Single ended, Class A or A/B, tube choice, 300B monoblocks/ KT88/EL34/6550.
The obvious choice is a Conrad Johnson MV60 or SE, or Premier 11, to match the Pre and I may well go that way. Anyone any ideas? Particularly of course if you use living Voice speakers.I never buy new if I can and am looking to up spend up to $2000ish 2nd hand
I like most music, Blues, Singer Songwriters, classical and opera, so for the latter, I need something that can cope with a symphony orchestra. Thanks for any guidance
Canary Ca301 mkII

22 wpc 300b push pull amp

$1795 on Audiogon (normal retail > $4075)

This amp was reviewed a while back along with Living Voice speakers and was raved about.

I am using mine to drive Devore Super Gibbons (90db sens.) and absolutely love them.
Hi David,

You have a good system. Yes, a MV-60 (retube with Sovtek 12AX7LPS, pick a vintage 6SN7 and winged "C" Svetlana EL-34s), will mate well with your system! Also you might want to try a Linn Ikemi cd player to round out your system. And try a 1 metre RCA of Cardas Golden Cross between your cd player and pre-amp.

Good Luck!
YOu might look at the Almarro 318?. I think that's the model number. It is single ended and uses 6C33CB tubes for about 18 watts
David the Avatars are fantastic speakers. When I had a dem with Kevin he was using Canary monoblocks.

When I was in Colorado recently I heard a couple of great SET systems. For under $2000 you can buy a new pair of Welborne DRD 300b monoblocks ready assembled. If you're going for tube power amps then go for SETs, they're to die for!

My DRDs should be arriving within the next week or two.
What about an 845 SET amp like the deHavilland Aries? I had one and it was delicious. Or maybe their GM70? I also think a 300B SET like the Welborne DRD mentioned above would be nice. I think Canary makes great gear too. I have a pair of the big Canary CA-339 300B p-p, but they'd be overkill. The little ones would be nice, though, and they also make a 300B SET that would be worth thinking about.