McIntosh 501's, Mcintosh 7000

I recently sold my McIntosh Ma7000 and upgraded to 501's. The 501's sound darker, not as detailed as the 7000. I am using a s/s c200 (two chassis) pre. I have added a Monster HTPS 7000 and changed my IC'S from Nordost to Speltz anti cables . I can't (don't) want to believe that the McIntosh 7000 is more deatiled than the 501/c200 combo. I know the reviewers have stated that resolution of fine detail are not the 501's strong point but how different could it be from the 7000? Has anyone done a comparison between these two. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Going from Nordost to Speltz cable seems like a switch destined to rob your system of some detail. The Speltz are great for the money, but they're not going to give you all the detail your amps are capable of. I got rid of mine in favor of LAT Int SS1000 and the difference was not subtle. Still running Nordost ICs too.
The amps and pre are broken in, speakers are maggie 3.6's. I changed the ic's the same time I changed the amps/pre.