Do you need a pre-amp with a digital front-end?

Hi guys:

I do not know if this should go here or in PC audio.

My question is this -- all my music is ripped on iTunes. Suppose I just take analog audio out of my iMac and feed it directly into power amplifier.

So, use the DAC in the computer and skip the pre-amp altogether. Is this crazy? Or suppose I use external DAC but still feed analog signal directly into power amp with no pre-amp.

The reason I ask is that integrated amps include a lot of stuff I don't intend to use, computer can supply pot etc., so why not spend the money on just a power amp?

Would love to hear feedback on this idea.

(Am powering Zu Druid plus B&W sealed sub in massive room with lots of room problems. Use Rotel class-d right now and don't love it)
You can do this, but I have a warning and suggestion....

Warning: Having a "hard" volume control is handy to make sure you don't overload the amp. Also keep on mind that while iTunes has a volume control, the rest of the OS and apps have separate (or no) volume adjustment. This can be dangerous.

Suggestion: An external DAC improves the sound. Some DACs have volume controls. Remember that the DAC's quality has more to do with the "analog" stage of the design. I see people worry and argue about the "digital" processing a lot, and totally forget that most of the DACs character comes from the analog section.
Yes you can if you like the way it sounds. When listening to digital I pre-set the volume controls on my pre-amp and use iTunes for fast and easy adjustments. My Mac is next to my listening chair. I've also pre-set the iTunes equalizer to compensate for room issues.
I purchased the Olive 4HD music server and it struck me one night with why am I going through the Pre-Amp while I can hook up my music server directly to the amp. The music server I am using to listen to music is the only component I am using in my set-up. I sold my Pre-Amp and sold my speakers and combined both sales and bought a new set of speakers. I have not looked back and I am very happy with my new pair of speakers with the sale of the two items.