Best match for Cary SLP98 Preamp

Need help finding a good match of tube monoblock amplifiers for my Cary SLP98 preamplifier, to support a pair of vintage Dahlquist DQ-10's. The DQ-10's are quite power hungry, so I am not sure what how big the amps need to be. Would like to stay vintage. Listening Room is 13' x 14'.
Jon Dahlquist "voiced" the DQs to run off tube power. They like tube power, at least 35wpc - but they like much more if you can swing it - 70 or more watts. The crossovers are hungry - they eat up the power - must have a high-current amp. I say, why not give them more power? Most owners of the DQ-10s suggest a power amp of 125 to 150wpc, or more, and must be a high current-amp. Not sure what they mean by "high current" amp. What are the specs on the Cary CAD 120?
Sorry... You guys were backing the Cary V12 amp. From what I've read, a 50wpc amp isn't enough to bring out the magic in the DQ-10s.
Might give the Butler TBD 2250 a look. Plenty of power and hybrid monoblocks. Usually show up here used at very good prices.

FWIW - I had the V12i and SLP-98 together and quite frankly I thought it was too much of the Cary house sound for me.
What are your thoughts on the Aronov Monoblocks LS-9100? Don't know much about them, but there was a lot of hype when they first entered the market.
in the room size 13' x 14' unless there is a cathedral ceiling or other HIGH ceiling, I would think the V12 would have plenty of power for the DQ10's ... certainly worth a try at used prices ... can always re-sell if it does not work out
