solid state vs tubes

has anyone compared a tube amp to a solid state amp and discovered that the diffference sonically between them was undetectable. ? if so what was the tube amp and what was the solid state amp ?

the reason for the question is the basic issue of the ability to distinguish a tube amp from a solid state amp.

this is especially interesting if the components were in production during the 90's , 80's or 70's.

if the components are in current production the probability of such aan occurrence might increasea.

why own a tube amp if there exists a solid state amp that sounds indistinguishable from it ?
Again, this concept is missing the point. A system should not sound like tubes or sound like solid state. It should sound like realistic and natural music. If you think something is tube-ish or solid state-ish, then you are not there. The amp needs to disappear.

If the question is whether a SS amp, in the proper SYSTEM, can sound musical and real, then the answer is an unequivocal yes. Ditto for tubes. If you are asking whether it is easier to accomplish this with a tube amp, then maybe. Perhaps that is why people come back to tubes - it is a bit easier to get it right the first time.
Well, there is no question that live acoustic music does not sound like any particular amp technology, so I am one who agrees that I want to hear the music, not the technology, in my system in general. If the technology used becomes too apparent, I would not consider that a good thing.

My opinion on tubes is that they are cool looking and they bring back fond memrories of days yore but I prefer to not have to use them because they are a pain in the rear otherwise which is why they are a niche technology these days.
My understanding is that the thing that is inherently different about tubes and transistors is the manner in which they clip. You need a lot of SS power and often current in order to take offensive clipping out of the picture with SS amps, especially to drive many modern speaker designs optimally. Tubes clip in a more ear friendly manner as I understand it. Therefore, tubes as a whole tend to sound more appealing than SS, despite the fact that they are still technically clipping and distorting, just in a less offensive manner.

Once the clipping factor is addressed however, I think the inherent difference in sound between the two becomes more subtle and other factors in the amp design more determine the resulting sound. Either is capable of producing the kind of sound I like I believe if assembled in a proper manner to deliver that sound.