Tube amp, more low end

I've just taken my first step into tubes, with a TAD-60. My speakers are Gallo 3.1's. I really like this amp! I can't believe how "real" the music sounds. It really is amazing. The one thing that I do feel is lacking however, is low end "slam", as well as control. I know generally speaking, this is a characteristic of tubes. But I'm wondering I there's an affordable tube amp ($1500-$2000), that will offer the magic of the TAD, but with some more low end control?

Also, the TAD is currently running el34's. Would switching to kt88's make much of a difference? If I need to spend $300 or $400 on better tubes, I'd just as soon upgrade the amp.

You are probably going to have to make a big jump up in power to drive Gallo 3.1s with tubes. At a 4 ohm impedance and 88db sensitivity they are not an easy load for a tube amp.
I just got an Octave V70Se with kt88's and there is is a ton of bass. Almost too much. I have some EL34's but only listened for about 5 hrs and put the kt88's back in. I'm driving Dynaudio C1's at 85db - 4ohm. Great match up
If you search the threads, you will find there is a fair amount of discussion about Gallo 3.1 speakers and tube amplification.