Amp for Harbeth 7ES3

Looking for an amp for my Harbeth 7es3's in the $2000-$3000 range new or used. My room is 12'x15'. I am using a Sony xa5400 cd player. My preamp is a DeHavilland Ultraverve 2. Very difficult to audition amps since I live in Maine and there are no Hi-end dealers even close. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!!!
If sound quality is your sole priority, go with tubes. The AR VSI 60 or 55, Cary SLI 80 and VAC Avatar (difficult to find) are all reputable.
I use cary slp-05 and Music Reference RM200 to drive 7es3 and got great result. You cannot get wrong with mc275 and AR VSI60. But RM200 will have better dynamics IMHO.
Oh. if you are looking for SS integrated amp then how about NAIM UNITI or Supernait? NAIM products are proven match dor Harbeth.
Hello Johnc5,

I have had the Compact 7ES for many years , I used an Odyssey Stratos but I totally agree with the suggestion about a good tube amp.
(((NAIM products are proven match dor Harbeth.))
Bhchung (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Misguided info Yes Bchung I know you mean well but how do you think his tube pre amps output imp would go into a 5 k Naim?
Best Johnnyr
