Preamp Suggestions for my system

I'm looking for suggestions on which preamps to consider for my system combination. My system consists of Manley 300b Neoclassic PP/SET monoblocks driving the new Omega Super 8XRS (96db efficient) single driver alnico speakers. Cabling is Acoustic Zen Silver/Matrix and Hologram II for the speaker cables. I'm currently using a Manley Shrimp but I am looking to upgrade to a reference level preamp as I am looking for further resolution and detail, bigger soundstage and better/deeper bass control. I want a musical but not overly analytical sound with neutral voicing.

The Omega single driver are very revealing of whatever is upstream and I plan to hang on to the amps indefinitely so really looking for a preamp that will mate well with my amps. If I decide to go to different speakers in the future I figure I would at least like to have a rock solid front end to build off of (especially if I decide to go to even higher sensitivity horns down the road).

I have been looking at possibly a Conrad Johnson CT5 or something at that level. Would this be a good choice and are there other preamps I should audition at that level ($3-5k used or new).
I am a very strong proponent for passive attenuation. I have had some very well reviewed and expensive active linestages and I always end up coming back to the passives.

In my situation I have sources with high output and I am able to keep my cable runs very short (1m or less) and I also use unshielded cable from source to passive and passive to amps. I also have high sensitivity speakers so system gain is not an issue at all for me.

I currently have a couple TVC units, a buffer and the lightspeed attenuator....none cost me more than $750 used and IMO, in my system and based on my taste they perform as well or better than the several $10k-$18k active linestages I have owned or tried.

They genrally don't have the flexibility and/or cache but they provide what I feel a linestage should as well or better than anything else I have had.

YMMV but if you haven't explored this route and your system and needs spec out to be compatible with a passive, I strongly encourage you to try this route. The risk is low and the rewards potentially very high