Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
"Owned everything under 80K" Really 899bk or do you mean you have HEARD? And if you mean heard, again, really?
my guess is dynamically a bit restrained. they are good but not totally accurate imo
Never owned Harbeth speakers, but every time I've heard them, they sound tonally right. I like that.
Mapman, I haven't heard Ohm speakers since the days of Tech hi-fi. At the time I thought they were great but I really didn't have any reference points. It would be interesting to hear a refurbished pair today.
I would not mine hearing the 30.1. It gets so many raves. I just can't imagine them replacing my Confidence 1's. But stranger things have happened.