How to divide up $4,500, Amp/Speakers

I need a new back-end for my system (amp/speakers) and have around $4,500 to spend on used equipment.

Front end is VPI HR-X, Koetsu RSP, JMW 12.5 arm, Herron VTPH-2.

In this price range I think that an integrated tube amp would be better sonically but I am open to suggestions. My room is small (20x12x7.5) so I am tending toward smaller speakers.

I had a pair of Merlin VSM's long ago and either VSM's or TSM's might work well and also fall in this range used.

Assuming $2,000 used could get the Merlins what would be a good integrated tube amp that works well with them?

Main listening is New Orleans funk, blues, jazz and some classical.
I. too, have the Tonian TL-D1s and agree with 'fast, detailed and transparent' but 'in your face' can apply to any speaker when not mated with the proper amp, unless they are smooth and wooly to begin with. Who would want that? The Tonians are masters of tone and body when partnered with the right equipment. I've gotten great results with a Burson integrated. And I use a little toe in. I even had Tony Manasian at my place to make sure it was set up right and even in my small apartment, he thought the set up was spot on as to placement.
You can get the speakers, new, along with a new Burson (from for about $4,000 and use the rest on music.
11-16-10: Nonoise
I. too, have the Tonian TL-D1s and agree with 'fast, detailed and transparent' but 'in your face' can apply to any speaker when not mated with the proper amp...
"In your face" is a perfect description for how they sounded *to me* when they were being demoed by Tonian at two separate audio shows (Stereophile's HES in Los Angeles, and T.H.E Show in Las Vegas). I have to assume Tonian selected amplification they thought was optimal.
The VSMs with Lightspeed and RM10s are SOTA IMHO (the LS replaced my Joule LA150 SE which is wonderful in its own right), but Clio9 might be right with the output impedance issue, and excellent integrated for the Merlins would be the Manley Stingray (uses EL84s like the RM10s). I personally think the VSMs are among the best 2-way speakers ever made (perfect for my 20x12 room) and if you know you like that sound I would stick with them. Fortuantely, 30-40 tube watts are plenty to drive'm. I'm sure the Jadis mentioned would also work well, but the EL84 tube is pretty special if you can get enough power to drive your speakers. I think the EL34 -based VAC Avatar[?] would also work well (EL34 amps tend to work well with Merlin).
Have you ever heard horns of any kind? Very different than Merlins. Not saying better or worse, but surely different. I do think you have to find the speaker you love, and the worry about the amp, since the speaker is the most influential (other than recording and possibly room)piece of equipment and the sound of your system. Now one advantage of Horns is you can get away with low watts, and that can save you money on the amp side of the equation - but fall in love with a speaker, then....