Does Bi-amping really make a difference in sound?

I have really been torn in the past week in how I should improve my Home theater stereo System. I presently own the following gear:

Oppo Blu-ray Player
Yaqin Tube Buffer (w/ 6SN7 Tung Sol Oval plate Tubes)
Cambridge Audio DAC Magic
NAD C-375 Integrated Amplifier
PSB Synchrony Two loudspeakers
Nordost Red Dawn Ics
Audioquest VDM-X Digital Cable

An experienced audiophile and design engineer who designs speakers and custom electronic gear has told me that in order to improve my sound drastically I need to Bi-amp my speakers. Since PSB speakers have separate crossovers for the tweeter/mid and bass, that I could take advantage of this and bi-amp them and really make them sing.

I was told that I should buy a another amplifier and use the Pre outs of the NAD C-375 Integrated amp and even tailor my sound by selecting the appropriate amp with the same power wattage.
I am thinking of getting an NAD C-275 or the Vincent Audio SP-331 Power Amp to connect to the Pre outs of my NAD C-375 and bi-amp my speakers with two sets of Harmonic Technology Melody cables running shotgun to my speakers.

I also plan to upgrade my digital cable to the HT Digital Silver cable and maybe the HT Silway link Silver to my DAC to NAD C-375 connection over my present Nordost Red Dawn.

My dealer friend disagrees with my approach that bi-amping will improve my sound as he said he conducted a similar setup with the PSB Synchrony Ones in his store and did not hear any differences. I am wondering if he is just wants to steer me in the direction of getting a Rogue Audio Preamp and NAD C-275 combination, which I have considered as well.

Any expertise and advice in this situation would be greatly appreciated. I unfortunately cannot tryout these situations or go listen to them in a store due to my location and have to rely on people’s advice.
I guess the purpose of my thread was to initiated conversation about biamping and the way I should go which I hope would include people's opinion about my audio gear choices, synergy issues. Did not mean to aggravate anyone. I thought it would be fun and informative to have dialog. Is their a level of expertise or audio IQ necessary to initiate a post forums? Just wondering. Just as someone pointed out about the 6SN7 tubes, confirmed my beliefs that I needed to get rid of my Tube Buffer, but it was not the subject line. I appreciate the inputs and knowledge gained through dialog.
I understand your interest in this topic and your desire to hear other people's opinions but, let me ask you, did you search anywhere for an existing or past discussion? It is a common topic of discussion with numbing repetition.

I currently don't have any interest in doing biamping at the moment and I would check other threads before opening a new thread and I don't know Rlh157 from Adam. Maybe I should have suggested that he could find a wealth of information in past threads, but no harm was done and someone did learn a few things by this thread and will now look into past threads for more info. I would just hate to see someone embarrased and give up on audiogon. I haven't been posting long myself even though I have been in and out of this business since 1979,(I'll be going to my 20th CES this year), I have been giving very practical advice and find even when I quote facts, that I am regularly challenged. On the other hand, even being in or around this business for as long as I have, I did learn 1 hard fact on these forums and have changed an opinion or two of my own and overall have found most people cordial and personable. This has been a good experience and I hope others find the same.
And Kal, I can make you a promise, the subject will come up again. Good Listening, Tim
The non OP-question discussion above: If YOU CARE about other folks, then answer the OP question. If you do not care about the OP, then skip complaining, OK? Just ignore the post.
One COULD have mentioned that a LOT of useful advice on this topic has been posted. But to start ('itty-bitty') flaming away does NO ONE any good (except the 'flamer' gets the smug feeling of 'dissing someone.)
And to the OP: do not worry about the stuff moaning about your post. It is a fair post, irregardless of 'some' opinions posted.
From your friendly AudiogoN "Politically Correct" one woman police patrol. LOL!!!