Amp for Dahlquist DQ-10

I have recently discovered this site and appreciate the opportunity to learn about audio from the knowledgable people the participate in this forum.

I have a pair of DQ-10's that I bought new in the late 70's. They always seemed under powered by my Hafler DH-200, but still sounded great. I'm using a Crown IC-150 pre-amp.

I recently purchased an Adcon 555 power amp. That seemed to perk the DQ's up quite a bit and with it my interest in refreshing my system. I'm now considering either replacing the Crown preamp or adding a second Adcom 555 power amp, but I'm not sure which change will give me the most bang for the buck. If the replacement of the preamp is the best route, I'm interested in hearing suggestions of which preamps will mate well with the 555.

Since I will likely be buying used equipment online and won't be able to listen before I buy, I wanted to see if anyone here was willing to offer a suggestion.
I ran mine with a pair of "bridged" CITATION 16a's to a very nice result. I had a stacked double pair of Mirror Imaged DQ-10's.

The soundstage was stunning!!
I've listened to several pair of DQ-10s with various electronics; in general you can't go too far wrong with any good amp or preamp, or even a good receiver. At the low end you would be surprised how good they can sound with a Marantz 2230, 2245, or 2270 receiver (assuming the receiver has the original parts and they are operating properly). For still better sound, go with a tube amp and preamp. An Audio Research D76A amp with an Audio Research SP3A1 might blow you away with open airy detailed highly imaged sound. Other good tube equipment would probably provide a similar effect. The more power you can deliver the happier the DQ-10s will be - they like power. So you probably want 70 to 200 watts per channel if can afford it - but even around 70 watts you can get the job done. I think if you replace that Crown pre-amp you might be surprised with what else the DQ-10s can reveal in the way of pleasant sound. Keep working on your electronics - the DQ-10s are almost impossible to beat for the price they go for on the used market. Let us know what you wind up doing.

Thanks for the feedback. Based on what I've learned from this thread, and some additional research, I'm currently leaning toward adding a GFP 750. It looks like I'll have to spend $600 - $800 if I go this route, but it'll be worth it. While the Crown preamp has been a great and reliable component, it appears to be the weak link in the systemat this time.
Hi Laffer,
I recommend that you do everything that you can to audition Adcom gear with your DQ10's. We have all learned the hard way that all of our ears are different, but for me, there is no question that I would develop fatigue fairly quickly with Adcom and Dahlquist. DQ-10's are detailed, revealing and without mods a touch light on the bass, DQ-10's will get edgey with some equipment.
Now after all of that said, If you like the Crown/Adcom combination, forget all the above. The GFP-750 will lunch it in every aspect. Good Listening, Tim
I am running DQ-10s with the LP1 and 2 DQ subwoofers. The subs made a big difference, taking the load off the woofers reduced the distortion quite a bit.

I have used solid state, tube amps and hybrid amps with the 10's as satellite speakers, and they seem to like the tubes the best.