good headphone amp/preamp?

OK, looking to get a headphone amp for Senn HD 600s that might also do duty as a preamp running with my ATI 1502 or Mcintosh 250 and Ohm Walsh 2s given some space issues? I saw writeups on a couple of ideas in Stereophile...Little Dot, Music Hall...Chinese tubes for small $. Also, have seen things on the 'gon, like Canary. Looking for something under $500...$300 might be better. Any input is appreciated as I will be bying off the net as I wont find it out here in HI. If it is only good as a headhpone amp thats ok too as thats my primary need. I listen to lots of jazz, acoustic, female vocals,guitar and piano, 70s singer songwriters.
Don't you just love new neighbors?
Its hit or miss when you live in an apartment like me. There are some room treatments you can do that might tame the noise unless its late night listening you're alluding to.
Good luck, and mind your ears with those headphones.
Haven't heard it, but what about the new Musical Fidelity M1HPA? (
I would look at Woo and Decware. They may be a little above your budget but resale value is very good on headphone amps and many have preamp outs. You might also pose this question on Head-fi, where headphone junkies hang out discussing the latest and greatest giant killers in the world of headphone amps. I am sure they will recommend something within your budget.