Bel Canto Ref 1000MK2 or Wyred SX1000MK2

Which of these Monoblocks will work best with B&W N802's?
I had the Parasound Halo JC1's. How are these Class D mono's Compare to JC1's.
I have owned McIntosh MC-240, McIntosh Mc-275, Spectral DM-200, NRG (forget the model number), Marantz 7B, Leak Stereo 20, Audio Research D-76, D-76A, Krell FPB-200, Edge M8M, Luminance Audio (big mistake), McIntosh MC-402. Have been an audio-nut since 1958. About 6 months ago I tried a Sanders Sound Systems Magtech amp (they have a 30 day trial period) and I was absolutely amazed at the sound of this amp. I liked it so well that I bought the companion Slim Line Stage preamp. I drive the Duntech Sovereigns and I have never been as satisfied in my long audio career as I am now. I know that I will be ridiculed by some of the audiogon experts, but I have bought my last amp and preamp and that's the gospel. IMHO the Sanders equipment is the best kept secret in the audio world. And it is also fairly priced. Not the outrageous prices charged by many manufacturers and it comes with a lifetime warranty. Enjoy the music friends.
Before I get accused of being a shill for Sanders Sound Systems I want everyone to know that I have no connection (financial or otherwise with Sanders Sound Systems) I guess the only thing that we have in common is that we are both retired military men. He from the Navy and I am Army retired. I sent a few off the audiogon website recommendations to people who were looking for a good amp and I had an audiogoner call me a nut. To each his own said Harold as he kissed the cow. Let the good times roll.
Sanders Sound (and Innersound before it) is a very well known and respected audio company. They make great gear. I think it sounds best with hard to drive loads. With average or easily driven loads, the amps sound just average. But with the Sanders Sound speakers, or Soundlabs, Martin Logans, other panels or hard to drive speakers, stellar.
I think it sounds best with hard to drive loads. With average or easily driven loads, the amps sound just average.
Macdadtexas, Sanders makes both an ESL amp and the Magtech amp, which is a different design, more expensive, and built for conventional speakers. I wonder if your experience might have been with the ESL amp.
Actually, I have heard both, and the Magtech is built specifically with hard to drive loads, such as Magnepan's in mind. I love the amps, they just are more special in my opinion with certain speakers, which in most instances are true for any amp.

Well, except for Pass and ARC amps, which have always sounded great with whatever they have been hooked up to when I have heard them.