SS integrated amp that has tube like qualities

I'm looking for someone who has real experience with several solid state integrated amplifiers that could provide me with a recommendation.

I'm looking for a solid state integrated, if one exists, with a tube like presentation. I mostly listen to male and female vocalists and are looking for an integrated that excells in midrange warmth/bloom, and richness/sweetness, while maintaining sonic clarity.

I believe that the Ayre may meet my expectations, but is a bit expensive even in the used market.

Are there any other less expensive choices? Thanks in advance...

Please do not recommend any class D amplification. I have had several, including the new Wyred and they are not my cup of tea.
If you can find a Dartzeel Integrated you won't be dissappointed. I replace my VAC Phi Beta integrated and prefer the Dartzeel sound (and dependability).
Good luck.
Acurus, if the INT-30 sounds like either the XA-30.5 or XA-60.5 amps, then it does not fulfill the OP's stated desire for "midrange warmth/bloom, and richness/sweetness". The Pass amps are neutral in tonality.

I've got a Wyred STI-500 breaking in at home, and it sounds VERY promising so far. It is very cable sensitive I notice. So I am curious as to your negative reaction to Wyred or other class D integrateds.