$3500 to spend on a tube preamp....ideas?

Suggestions? Amps are Herron M1 monoblocks, Speakers Von Schweikert VR4-JR's. I borrowed a McIntosh C2300, and while it was good, it wasn't THAT much better than my Modwright 9.0 Signature. Bass was a little deeper, soundstage a bit more open, instruments more focused, but again, probably not worth $3500 to upgrade to. Also had an LS26 from ARC in my system, again, similar performance level to the C2300 and slightly more dynamic than the Modwright. With $3500 to spend, is there anything that can get me to that next level in dynamics? I am really happy with the other hardware in my system.

ideas: Herron VTSP3a, Rogue Athena
VAC Standard LE, Modwright LS36.5, Conrad Johnson Premier LS 16II, Dehavilland Mercury 3:

other options?
Lightspeed is made by whom??
For a line stage I love 6SN7s so Cary preamps SLP98 I think you might be able to get a used SLP-05. for very little if you can snatch one before its bought an AE-3 by Cary's subdivision AES. The Signature model with tube rectification should cost you under 1K used. The basic model cost me 350 used and a friend modded it for me.
If you are an octal fan like me then think about Mapletree Audio in Canada. They will custom make the pre of your choice, spec requirements and tube preferences. And The prices are very reasonable. For instance you can decide to use the absolutely best 12SN7s like TS Round Plates because they are easier to find as real NOS and much cheaper than their 6SN7 counterparts. I think the guy's name is Prof. Lloyd Peppard?? No affiliation as usual.
The Herron M1s have 220Kohm input impedance and (I think) 1V input sensitivity, so they're a good candidate for the Lightspeed Attenuator. But we'd still need to know output impedance on your sources to see if the Lightspeed would really be appropriate.

I think the Lightspeed is great. Better than a number of expensive preamps I've had in my system for sure.
I assume phono stage not required?

Consider the Ming Da Mc-2a3 for about 1k and throw in 1k worth of mods. Any competent tech can do the mods and make it rival anything thats out there. There are a number of fellow audiophiles here and on AA who can vouch for this statement.

Alternatively if you foresee using a phono stage, throw in a few more bucks and get an MFA Lumi. Can drive any long cables and any power amp even those with notoriously low input impedance, definitely a keeper for life.

transformer based attenuators work well if you have a source that swings voltage (like some DACs) and an amp with high input Z.